Uncharted 2 has exceeded my expectations. The graphics and details are absolutely amazing. With snow crunching underfoot I moved to a fire to warm up when i get close to the fire I put my hands up to shield my face. Nate Drake will also do this in a blizzard to shield his face from wind and storm. Nate is once again chasing his supposed ancestor Sir Francis Drake. This time Drake supposedly lead an expedition to shangralah, the home of a priceless treasure of immortality. But as always things are never easy with Nate Drake and just as you've solved a puzzle, goons show up to make things even more difficult than they were in the first place. But there is always the satisfaction of blowing a goons head off. If publisher Naughty Dog was trying to top the last game they've succeeded in my book. With all the buzz about Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception I find myself playing uncharted more and more as I probably will until November 1st. There is returning members of the team like Victor Sullivan (Sully) and Elana Fisher, and there are new such as Chloe Frazier. It was a great game and I cant wait for Uncharted 3.
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